Hostel Recipe: Warm Chicken and Rice Salad

Pacific Tradewinds

Hostel Recipe: Warm Chicken and Rice Salad

Laura here - with a recipe that will feed 10 people for less than $20 at your San Francisco Hostel, or any hostel for that matter. This is something that I made in college(University of Michigan- Go Blue!!!!)- a very long time ago and still make today. It is very yummy warm or cold- so you can eat it right away- or if there are leftovers, they are super good the next day with the dressing all soaked in and garlicy. Here goes- this is my first attempt at recipe


2 cloves garlic all smashed up- ok- add a third or fourth clove if you like
1 tablespoon dijon or spicy mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup vinegar- balsamic or apple cider are nice but whatever some
other guest left lying around is equally good
1/3 olive oil- again- use what you have on hand

4 cups cooked rice- can be white/brown/wild- I like it best with wild-
rice a roni was $4.50 for 3 boxes at my safeway- you could also buy in
bulk and it may be cheaper- you can add more rice to make it go
further to feed more people- just make more dressing too to keep it
tasting so good.
juice 1/2 lemon- $0.50- may be less at local grocer
Chicken- about 11/2 lbs would be good- I priced thighs for $6.50 but
see what is on sale- saute it in a frying pan and chop it to bite size bits
3 scallions sliced- or more if you like - $0.99
1 red pepper sliced and diced- about $1.50 or less at local grocer
2-4 oz pea pods- chop each into about 1/3 - $1.00
1 cup toasted pecans- chop them up into bits so that every bite has a
bit of flavor and crunch- you can toast them in a dry warm frying pan-
watch them closely- they are too expensive to burn and they are the
thing that makes this salad so yummy- $3.00
lettuce- chopped up one head of lettuce- your choice

cook rice and chicken- set aside for a minute
toast your pecans-
mix together all dressing ingredients- wisk or shake together in a
mason jar or whatever is on hand
mix rice, chicken, veggies (except lettuce) and nuts with dressing-
toss it really well
chop up lettuce
put the lettuce on a platter or big plate
spread the salad out over the lettuce
have some warm sourdough bread and dip it in some oil/vinegar on a plate
enjoy your meal

let me know what you think......
now I am hungry

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